Auto Insurance Agent St. Clair Shores, MI
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Auto Insurance Agent
5-Star Reputation in St. Clair Shores
For an auto insurance policy loaded with the necessities, such as general liability insurance and bodily injury coverage, and supercharged with extra protection, rely on Entrust Insurance, auto insurance agent St. Clair Shores, MI.

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Auto Insurance Tips
Do I Need PIP Coverage if I Have Medicaid? – Michigan
One question that often arises is whether you still need Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage if you have Medicaid in Michigan. When it comes to car insurance, understanding the nuances of...
Collision Insurance: What It Is & How to Know If You Need It
Collision insurance is an optional auto insurance coverage that helps to cover the costs associated with your vehicle when you are in an accident. While it’s an optional coverage option in...
Winter Driving: Does Your Michigan Auto Insurance Have You Covered?
While it isn’t technically winter just yet, the Michigan weather suggests otherwise. Snow on the ground, temperatures below freezing, it all makes for less than ideal driving conditions. According...
What You Should Do If You Get into an Auto Accident
No one wants to be in an auto accident, however there are roughly 6 million car accidents each year, which is roughly 16,000 per day. According to the CDC, auto accidents are...
8 Ways to Save Money on Your Auto Insurance Policy
Many simply look for the cheapest rate when it comes to auto insurance. This can be a dangerous approach to coverage, especially as it relates to auto insurance given changes to the no-fault policy....
How Michigan No-Fault Auto Insurance Reform Impacts Medicaid & Medicare Participants
One of the key changes coming from Michigan’s no-fault auto insurance policy reform is your ability to select coverage options when it comes to Personal Injury Protection (PIP). We’ve been talking a...
The best coverage at the lowest cost – you deserve it.

Insurance. Done Smarter.
Delivering Real Solutions
With many carriers at our fingertips, your dedicated agent will shop to find the lowest cost for the coverage you need in Michigan. It’s the power of 10 agents in one.
Policy Management
Tired of paying more every year for Michigan insurance? Before every renewal, if the rates for your current policy increase, we will always re-shop through all of our carriers to find you a new policy. Say goodbye to yearly increases!
Service. Simple and Smart.
We match you with a Michigan local insurance agent and service executive who will ensure you are provided with the individualized attention you deserve. With two committed specialists by your side, we set the standard for customer service.